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Welcome to The Delta Humane Society of Louisiana!
Rayville, LA 71269

Dogue de Bordeaux
Also known as the French mastiff, the DDB is an imposing guardian and staunch companion with an unforgettable head.
Height: 23 to 27 inches at shoulder
Weight: 100 pounds and up
Coat: short and fine
Life span: 8 to 12 years
Breed Group: Working Dogs
This breed's most famous member co-starred with Tom Hanks in the 1989 movie, "Turner and Hooch." Loyal, self-assured, and territorial, the Dogue de Bordeaux requires lots of training and socialization.
Dogue de Bordeaux profile on
General Characteristics
Cold tolerance
Dog friendly
Ease of training
Heat tolerance
Need for exercise
Predatory tendencies
Tendency to bark or howl
Potential for weight gain
Easy to groom
General health
Good for novice owners
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